
To do my bit for the environment and to reduce my risk of paperback induced head trauma from the the ever-growing stacks of books teetering at the head of my bed, I, though technologically challenged, am in the market for an eReader. I’m hoping you all can help.

I’ve researched the Kindle (1&2), Sony, Nook, and of course the iPad. Borders is coming out with a Kobo. I don’t know much about that. My friend Liz recently discussed a Vook on her blog Tao of Liz. I don’t think I’m ready to Vook!

At my daughter’s band concert the other night, I sat behind a man with an iPad. It was so big and the screen so bright and colorful, it drew me in like a moth in that darkened theater. It was all I could do not to reach for it and poke at the touch screen! I came dangerously close to breaching a stranger’s personal space, and maybe breaking a law or two, so I kept my hands clutched tightly in my lap and peppered him with questions until he looked like he wanted to change seats. He loves his iPad, of course, but doesn’t use it for reading books. WHAT? And he was sure to mention its huge price tag. Braggart!

So here’s the deal. I’m looking for something so easy a two-year-old could use it independently. I think I’d like a larger screen, only because a small screen seems like you’d be scrolling down all the time. I’d like to be able to read it at night. Would I still need to keep a lamp on? And I’d like to be able to adjust the font.

I’m very interested to know if reading on an e-reader causes eye strain similar to long bouts on the computer.

I’m hoping you techno-savvy readers will share your experiences with me!

Thanks so much!