Define Sexy

I tried to copy and paste pictures of sexy men to liven up this post, but couldn’t figure out how to do it. (Terri, I need help!) defines sexy as:
– Concerned predominantly or excessively with sex
– Sexually interesting or exciting
– Radiating sexuality
– Excitingly appealing
– Arousing or tending to arouse sexual desire or interest

Romance writers portray sexy as an alpha male, tall, muscular, good looking, financially successful and if not, they’re do-gooders who ooze moral character. They’re wealthy businessmen, sports figures, cowboys, lawmen, doctors, lawyers, Navy Seals and the like. I admit, I love to read about them when they’re written this way. But I’ve gotta tell ya, in my opinion, there’s something about a man who works with his hands, who builds things or fixes things, that I find extremely sexy. Mechanics. Maintenance men. Landscapers. Builders. (Hold the beer guts please!) And I don’t have a particular look that I find sexy. It’s more an attitude. Kindness and courtesy mixed with confidence and playfulness.

So what type of man rings your bell? What’s your definition of sexy?