Author Archives: Wendy S. Marcus

Introduce Yourselves!

Over the past few weeks, activity at my blog has really picked up. I can tell by the increase in the number of people who have viewed my profile. I appreciate each and everyone of you, and I thank you for taking the time to visit. But I’d like to know who you are and […]

Pioneer Woman

For the past three and a half days, I’ve been holed up in my house with two of my children due to snow/ice/sleet. I thought that was bad enough, until we lost power for the last day and a half and I was holed up in the one warm room with a teen and a […]

Define Sexy

I tried to copy and paste pictures of sexy men to liven up this post, but couldn’t figure out how to do it. (Terri, I need help!) defines sexy as: – Concerned predominantly or excessively with sex– Sexually interesting or exciting– Radiating sexuality– Excitingly appealing– Arousing or tending to arouse sexual desire or interest […]

I’ll Write After…..

Home alone, with so many things to preoccupy me, some days I find it difficult to focus on the task of writing. It starts off something  like this: I’ll write after…. I take a shower, put my daughter on the bus, throw in some laundry, check my e-mail, have breakfast, load the dishwasher, do my hair and makeup […]

Thank you Linda

Thank you to my writer friend, Linda Rader, at for this lovely Picasso Award. (Which I didn’t do anything to earn, unless you count writing on her blog!) From what I understand, recipients of this award need to share seven random things about themselves and then forward the award to seven people. So here goes:  1) In my […]

Hudson Valley RWA

Today I went to my  first official meeting of the Hudson Valley Chapter of RWA (Romance Writers of America). I joined back in September (after a wonderful luncheon), and it took me five months to get up the nerve to attend. Now, after spending time with this friendly and welcoming group, I could kick myself for waiting. […]

Bet Me

Despite the title of this post, it has nothing to do with gambling. Last week, while blogging, I visited a site where a writer listed Bet Me, by Jennifer Crusie as her all-time favorite book. Over the years I’ve read so many wonderful books and have so many favorites that I find it hard to choose […]

Great Expectations

Today I found out that my entry from Love, Hospital Style did not final in the Great Expectations contest. This is frustrating because the first 25 pages finished second in the 2008 Gotcha! contest. I’m sure it has to do with the changes I spoke about in a previous post, when I tried to please […]

Star in your own romance novel

Recently, while listening to the radio in my car, I heard an advertisement for personalized romance novels. You pick the setting, the tone (wild or mild), and provide 26 personal details about the starring couple, and the company does the rest. How cool is that? At the time, I couldn’t write down the web address because I […]

What are you reading right now?

Recently, I visited my local Borders with a thirty dollar gift card and a ten dollar off a purchase of twenty five dollars or more coupon in my wallet. An avid readers dream, right? I searched the new releases table and scanned the shelves of the romance section, (literally from A-Z) reading the backs of dozens of potential purchases, and could only […]