Despite the title of this post, it has nothing to do with gambling. Last week, while blogging, I visited a site where a writer listed Bet Me, by Jennifer Crusie as her all-time favorite book. Over the years I’ve read so many wonderful books and have so many favorites that I find it hard to choose one book that I loved more than all the others. So I decided to pick up Bet Me to see what made it so special. I read the entire 337 page hardcover book in one day. I couldn’t put it down. (Okay…so I did put it down long enough to pick up my son from school and cook/eat dinner.)
I have read books by Jennifer Crusie before, but none that I loved as much as Bet Me. She is an expert at creating quirky, imperfect, lovable characters, and fast paced, snappy dialogue. If you like contemporary romance I highly recommend this book. Is it my all-time favorite? I refuse to pick just one. But it certainly ranks high up on my list of top ten best reads.
Do you have an all-time favorite book? If so, what is it and why?