Creature of Habit

Hello Friends!

Wow it’s been a busy week since I last posted. Which brings me to the topic at hand. I am a creature of habit. I eat the same thing for breakfast (maple brown sugar oatmeal with raisins, two Eggo Nutrigrain low fat waffles, and juice) most days of the week. I follow the same morning and nighttime rituals. When I drive somewhere I take the the route I’m comfortable with, regardless of whether it’s the quickest.

I may sound boring…I’m not…only my comfort in the routine is.

And finally getting my new computer up and running has shot my work routine in the gut!

I knew this would happen, which is why I’ve put it off as long as I could. (My brand new Dell has been sitting in the box, unopened, since August.)

Yes, it boots up quicker, and I love my new keyboard, but so far, those are the only positives. My screen looks different, even though I’m using the same one I used with my old computer. For some reason the words look smaller and I had to increase the font size. As a result, my familiar websites and blogs seem narrower and a bit elongated, if that makes any sense, and it’s reeking havoc with my temperamental eyes. I upgraded to Windows 7, and while it’s similar to Windows XP, it’s taking some time to get used to. Thank goodness my computer guru clued me into F1 (help).

Of all he times to be under deadline for my second book AND receive the line/copy edits for my first book. But I’m muddling through…at the expense of my blog time.

So what about you? Do you embrace change? Welcome it? Look forward to it? Or do you fight it like me? And any Windows 7 pros out there who can give me some helpful hints?