While perusing the Internest, an obsession of late, I came across information that Victoria Curran, an editor with Harlequin Superromance, will be hosting an online pitch session on 2/26/10. To enter you need to send a 2-paragraph blurb about your completed manuscript by 2/15/10. Five entries will be chosen and announced on or around 2/23/10. For more info. go to eharlequin.com or search Editor Pitch: Harlequin Superromance. Unfortunately, if you’ve already submitted a manuscript you cannot pitch it. Which means I need to get busy on my work in progress. If I can write 10 pages a day (which doesn’t sound like a lot but is) I may just make it.
And for you sports fans out there, J*E*T*S* Jets, Jets, Jets! In my high school days I would have followed that cheer with a cartwheel and a split. I’m sorry to say those days are long gone.